
Archive for January 2009

Is it me?

Is it me, or do my children move faster when I get up on time?

Is it me, or do my boys behave better when I have a good night’s sleep?

Is it me, or are they more eager to say goodby to Mommy when I want a few extra hugs?

Is it me, or does Little Drummer Boy use more kind words when I speak softly?

Is it me, or does Squiggle say his words more clearly when I stand still?

Is it me, or does Baby Girl get more kisses when there’s room in my lap for two, or three?

Is it me, or do LDB and Squiggle share more when I play, too?

Is it me, or do they sing and dance more when I watch Dora from the bean bag?

Is it me, or is the drumming not as loud when I’m dancing?

Is it me, or does the house look less cluttered when I’m watching four grins?

Is it me, or do “outside voices” in the hallway get quieter when I hear giggles?

Is it me, or do my children go to sleep earlier when I don’t mind staying up late?

Is it me, or do they whine less when I smile?

Is it me, or does dinner get on the table at a better time when I’m listening to Hub?

Is it me, or does he help with the dishes more when I’m happy to do it myself?

Is it me, or does he stop work earlier when I’m interested in the job he’s doing?

Is it me, or are blogs and emails less urgent when I want to sing one more lullaby?


Sure enough, it’s me.

tiny messages . Cars, Rain and Manna

From Little Drummer Boy’s first driving to daycare “Good Morning Prayer” of 2009:

Dear God
Thank you for today.
Thank you for the sunshine [although it’s cloudy/drizzly today] and everything You have made.
Thank you for the cars that drive [in response to Bug’s insistence that we look for a bus going by?]
and the rain that pours
and the drops that pour
and manna…

I didn’t catch the rest because I was scrambling in my purse (while navigating the green arrow light) for a pen to write down the words of wisdom from my 3 1/2 year old…

Cars. Thank You, God, for the vehicles you park before us to get us to the place you want us to be. Thank You that You’ve continually kept the engine running on your plan while we go back in to take care of this and that.

Rain. Thank You, God, for the downpours that wash away the excess and the unnecessary–the stacked up clutter of our lives and spirits that slows us down as we get to where you want us to be. Thank You for nourishment disguised as storms, inducing the growth needed to put down roots where you want us to be.

Manna. Thank You, God, for shining the light on this day’s provision, this day’s step toward where you want us to be.  Thank You that enough is sweet like honey and ripe for savoring.  Thank You that though we are not yet where You want us to be, Your provision in the wandering is steadfast.

And, thank You for the countless bedtime Bible stories that have incorporated “manna” into my baby’s vocabulary. Thank You for for the sponge-like stage that calls such a word to his mind unexpectedly.  Thank You for the innocence found in the unlikeliest of teachers.

The tiny messages God continues to include with our gifts — 2 little joys of boys and 1 little jewel of a girl, each with open eyes, open ears, open hearts, and much to teach. “Behold children are a gift of the Lord…” (psalm 127:1)

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