
letters to my daughter . 021516


They are precious words… “Mommy, can I sit in your lap?” Baby Girl still wants those treasured moments in my lap, and is willing to ask for them when I don’t notice. And, every time she does, I secretly say to myself, “I hope you always like to sit in my lap.” But, I know she won’t. My boys have outgrown those words — and my lap, I guess —  and although I still get a “Mommy, can I sit by you,” from them, it’s not quite the same.  They grow and change so fast, and I’m mindful more each day of how fleeting each little stage is. I kick myself every time I realize I’ve said “just a minute,” or “not right now,” to one of those questions. It reminds me again to focus on what matters. And to honor every request for these all too fleeting moments.

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