
Archive for letters

signs . Macon, Mississippi No. 3

In my last Frog Kisser post, I shared some photos and Southern memories from a Saturday morning spent wandering around Macon, Mississippi. There’s something fun and freeing about taking time to wander without worrying about time, and small Southern towns are some of my favorite wandering places. I always gravitate toward the letters, numbers, and art I find – murals, hand-painted signs, the curious placement of words on buildings, how the signs age, and how they’re used to decorate and give directions.

Like in this sign found a block off Jefferson Street, I love how Brenda’s Cutting Edge entices with that funky bouffant interrupted by a stern warning about parking. Creativity and necessity rolled into one surface! In this collection, there’s the Noxubee tiger on one of the school district offices, a smokestack branded with bricks, a mural commemorating the local arts festival, a curious use of quotation marks, and a few other interesting words. I hope you enjoy this latest glimpse of downtown Macon signage.

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letters . Mud

letters . Beale

Mud Island is one of the signature stops in Memphis, TN. The park features a scale model of the Mississippi River running through it. The “river bed” is a popular spot with children since it is filled with water as dictated by the rains — just like the real river. The structure traces the route of Old Man River with city grids and small towns etched along its path. Beale Street, of course, made the cut of important places.

letters . Memory

[Reformed Presbyterian Cemetery – Starkville, MS]

letters . Guardian

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