
Archive for August 2014 – Page 3

morning letters . monday 081114

Good morning, Monday! I’m getting started with a new adventure for the Fall this morning. I’ve been wanting to experiment with more watercolor lettering, both freehand and more tailored, so I’m trying to add that to my morning routine. I’m calling it “Morning Letters,” and I hope to share some of the adventure (and to hold myself accountable for this new discipline).

We started school last week, and my first-grader has been telling me that she gets to draw and color before they begin morning work each day. What a concept! I know in my own routine, just doing something with my hands to put marks on a page seems to jumpstart my creativity and get my brain thinking about possibilities.  So, here goes!


summer of water . wednesday 080614


Well, my babies started back to school today, and I’ve had this song running through my head all day! I guess I must be missing them. *understatement* Since, the start of school marks the end of our summer vacation, I decided to cap of my Summer of Water painting adventure with this last one. I really took a break from the series  last week, but I thought it could use one more hooray! I’ve really enjoyed the discipline of painting each day (or at least  most days) and also sharing them for accountability. I know I want to continue drawing or painting or lettering each day in order to hone my skills and explore those nagging ideas, but I haven’t quite decided on my exact plan. I’ll keep you posted on that! Meanwhile, thanks so much for sharing all your encouragement this summer through the Small Pond Facebook page! I hope you’ll take a look at the whole 2014 Summer of Water series and let me know your favorites!

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