Today is National Dog Day, and I decided to celebrate with a little Maker’s Dozen — 13 bits of studio nostalgia and ephemera that remind me of the four-footed and slobbery friends in our lives. Our family includes two pups, and at least one of them is a constant companion in the studio.

Our two girls are Peanut, an 8-month-old Maltipoo, and Sally, a 5-year-old Beagle. Like most “sisters”, they have a topsy-turvy relationship where the little sister most often pesters the big sister, but we know that our lives would not be the same without each of them.
Here’s a rundown of the Maker’s Dozen I found:
- Page from Dick and Jane in which Spot gets chased by a hen – naturally
- “Fifi Fluff” Old Maid card – every diva should be styled with an equally diva dog
- “d” flash card – because D is for…
- A brass beagle – I don’t really know where I got it, except that since I was a child, it has reminded me of the Beagles my grandfather raised
- “I’m all ears” vintage Valentine – she looks just like my first dog, Dusty, a blond Cocker Spaniel
- Happiness is a Warm Puppy – the classic from Charles Schulz, ca. 1971
- Beloved “Snoopy” pull dog – truly dog-eared by now, but I can’t part with him, ca. early 1970s
- Fire Museum of Memphis button
- Scooby-Doo stamp set – issued by the USPS, date of issue 7/14/18
- C and D plastic “record” from 1972 Mattel phonograph toy
- “Fly Boy Floyd” Go Fish card – with a very eager long-eared friend
- Origami dog made by my Baby Girl
- Fisher Price vintage “Little People” wooden dog