
Author Archive for haley montgomery – Page 14

sojourn . Downtown Macon on a Saturday Morning

This year, we spent a long Easter weekend in Macon, Mississippi, where my parents live, and it was a nice opportunity for family time, rest, and enjoying holiday traditions. On Saturday morning, the kids slept late, and I had a hankering to get out of the house. So, I took some time to wander around town on my own. I have lots of memories of Saturdays in Macon. When I was a child, I spent weekends on the farm at Busy Bee, and often, on Saturdays, we would drive my grandmother into town for her 3-11 nursing shift at Noxubee General Hospital. When I was very young, before grandmother had a washer and dryer at the farm, those trips also involved taking laundry to the laundromat on Pearl Street to wash, and in later years, we would wander around the little shops downtown – “Mrs. Claire’s”, as I called the book store, TWL dollar store, Klaus’ dress shop. Sometimes we would pick up food at the Dairy Dream at one end of town or drive up to Burger Wheel at the other end.

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Bring on the April Showers [printable calendar]

I’m back in the studio today after a wonderful Easter holiday with my family. The long weekend also ushered in the start of April with some great spring weather! This month promises to be a busy one for us with school activities, a local conference on storytelling I’ll be attending, and fun community events. This weekend, I took a little time to set some priorities for new products I’ll be working on over the next few months, and make plans for refreshing a few of the ways I communicate with customers. Beginning a new month in celebration of the renewal and redemption of Easter has helped my heart embrace the hope and possibility of spring.

I took the old “April showers” adage as my inspiration for this month’s printable calendar, along with a childhood favorite song from Bambi. Rainy days have no end of inspiration when you hear every raindrop as the refrain of a beautiful tune. Click to download the calendar, and I hope you enjoy sharing the cut-away artwork when the month is over. This month, I’ve also included a free download of a larger version of the printable art. Enjoy!

grow . Wisteria’s Heart to Endure

The scent around our neighborhood is signaling that spring is here, even if the temperatures still can’t seem to make up their minds. It’s the distinct smell of wisteria and the cascading bluish purple blooms that flourish each year in our backyard, and the yards of our neighbors. This year’s blooms seem to be unusually full in our yard. The last year or so, I’ve let the prolific vine have a little more free reign through some of our trees, and in the mass of vines I’ve pulled together on metal stakes. It makes for a breath of sweetness every time the March winds blow.

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favorite things . Dragonfly Glasses from The Potager

Happy Vernal Equinox! Spring has arrived, even if the weather around these parts hasn’t been notified. To celebrate the start of a new season, I thought I would share a quick favorite thing that reminds me of Spring… a favorite thing holding a favorite memory, and thoughts back to a favorite shop in Northport, Alabama.

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makers dozen . Green for Wishing You Luck

I decided to do a little Maker’s Dozen collection this Saint Patrick’s Day “wishing you good luck” and reminders of friendship, good health, wonderful stories, family fun, finding adventure, and the crazy joy of holding it all together!

Most notable, “The Green Giant does a fireman’s act” in this Woman’s Day December, 1952 ad. I guess LeSueur’s had not decided the giant was “jolly” yet , but he was definitely nimble. Plus, Yosemite on a postage stamp, and a vintage St. Patrick’s Day postcard. In 1909, F.S.L. wrote to Mr. Thomas Bryan on Garden Street in Hoboken, NJ… “Gee I wish I was the Blarney Stone.” Lucky, indeed!

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