This year, we spent a long Easter weekend in Macon, Mississippi, where my parents live, and it was a nice opportunity for family time, rest, and enjoying holiday traditions. On Saturday morning, the kids slept late, and I had a hankering to get out of the house. So, I took some time to wander around town on my own. I have lots of memories of Saturdays in Macon. When I was a child, I spent weekends on the farm at Busy Bee, and often, on Saturdays, we would drive my grandmother into town for her 3-11 nursing shift at Noxubee General Hospital. When I was very young, before grandmother had a washer and dryer at the farm, those trips also involved taking laundry to the laundromat on Pearl Street to wash, and in later years, we would wander around the little shops downtown – “Mrs. Claire’s”, as I called the book store, TWL dollar store, Klaus’ dress shop. Sometimes we would pick up food at the Dairy Dream at one end of town or drive up to Burger Wheel at the other end.