
Reflecting on 10 Years

Today marks 10 years since my husband Mike’s death. This is one of my favorite pictures. I like to think of him with this smile and the children climbing on him, not sure if he might break out in an Elvis voice or John Wayne. For years he wasn’t able to find this smile or anything carefree. It’s taken a lot of ups and downs for my heart to move past his troubled soul and settle on this picture of him in my memories. 

Today is a day that largely lives in my memory as last conversations and fears and numbness. As a conversation with my children that I know overpowered their innocence with uncertainty and grief.

I feel like I had one golden moment of wisdom before that conversation. It came from God, I guess, because I sure didn’t know how to do anything in such an overwhelming moment. Except to love, and I committed my heart to being honest with my children in all things, right from the very start. I committed to being sure our story was rooted in truth, as hard as the truth was for all of us to understand. 

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favorite flânerie . Killing Time in Memphis with Street Art

Memphis street art, graffiti

Street art. My favorite kind of city wandering, and it always seems to offer endless inspiration. I consider it a parenting win that my children have no qualms about stopping on the side of the street and getting out to take photos. In fact, they often suggest it now! I guess it seems perfectly normal after years of my traipsing around various alleys and byways in cities and small towns on the hunt for hand painted signs and graffiti art.

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favorite flânerie . Happy President’s Day in Stamps

I love stamps. Their glimpse of history and what nations choose to honor. Their mini artwork masterpieces. Their throwback to times when receiving correspondence from someone was more precious. From portraits to places to historic artifacts, stamps display so many versions of what we see as important. In honor of President’s Day, I decided to take a look through my stamp collection to see how many presidents I could find.

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maker’s dozen . Valentine

Hello, friends! I’ve been on hiatus from the Field Guide through Covid recuperation, end of year holidays and adjusting to new school and work routines to start 2021. Valentines week seems like a fitting time to share some blog love! Maker’s Dozen highlights my love of vintage, oddities, and general silliness found around the studio. I’ve gathered a few artifacts of love for today’s post to get you in the mood. Love stamps, Pez, my vintage Hallmark heart pin, heart hole-punch (because why use only circles), and an elementary school book of poems from the Scholastic “Weekly Reader”.

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Shedding Familiar Skin

It started with an insomnia-induced binge of Hallmark Channel programming. Then a discussion of orthodontics at dinner. Chapter two in a book on moon symbolism I’m vetting for Maggie. Decorating with scarecrows. Somebody’s instagram post on gardening. A 13th century mystic. Psalm 34. And Fleetwood Mac. 

It’s an odd collection of voices, but I’m finding when God wants to say something, He doesn’t play. Or rather, He’ll play anything and everything. On repeat. No herald is disqualified.

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