
Archive for grow – Page 2

growing . Repurposed Tulips


We’ve been so excited to welcome Spring temperatures and weather over the last few weeks! I’ve been hankering to get started with more flower gardening around the house and getting our own little “garden” reclaimed from the elements. So far, we have all enjoyed getting our hands dirty.

I wanted to share a small repurposing story today. Take a look at these gorgeous spring blooms! The tulip bulbs started out in some potted arrangements my mother used last spring for some entertaining. The pots were a combination of various spring blooms, and once they faded, she passed them down to me. We put them — pots and all — in a corner of the backyard and forgot about them through the winter, unsure if the tulips would bloom again. A few weeks ago we noticed some peeks of color over in the west corner. All the bulbs were budding again, including the tulips! I suppose we can thank this unusually cold winter for that blessing. We’ve transplanted all the bulbs to highlight the porch of the storage building we call “the little house,” and we’ve been enjoying them ever since. They will be waning soon, so I wanted to make a record of the repurposed beauties. I hope your day is just as vibrant.

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