
Archive for illustration

collect . Little Golden Books

“There once was a very unusual school
that had for its teacher Miss Tillie O’Toole.
She taught all her lessons in riddles and rhyme,
and those who learned quickest were given a dime…
I’m sure there was never a happier school
Than the one that was taught by Miss Tillie O’Toole.”

A new school year started last week for my family, and every year, I get a little nostalgic as we begin preparing for a new year. I invariably start reminiscing about days when my kiddos were young enough to want me to walk them into school on the first day, and the children invariably roll their eyes. Still, I see the glimmer and the subtle grins, and I answer the questions when they ask me to tell them more. Sometimes, we can’t help but be curious about our own little histories, especially as we’re moving breakneck toward the next stages of our lives. Today, I thought I would share one of our collections that brings both me and my children fond and special memories… Little Golden Books.

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Hello August: A New Month + A New School Year [printable calendar]

Goodness, I can’t believe August is here! We’ve had a fun and adventurous summer around the Pond with lots of togetherness, lazy days, and wanderings through favorite places and backroads. Now, we’re in our final week of summer vacation, and I’m admittedly not quite on board with starting a new school year yet. As I was putting together this month’s downloadable calendar with all the illustrations of school supplies, I realized again… It’s time, and I’m not sure I’m really ready.

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letters to my daughter . 063016


Well, it’s quiet around the house today. All three of my kids left for a three-day camp yesterday, and I think it’s actually the first time I’ve ever been “home alone” for the night without any of them with me. I’ve been puttering around (as my grandmother would have said), and yes, enjoying some time to myself. But, I have to admit, I miss them! I miss knowing their in the house. I miss the noise and giggles they make. I miss overhearing their conversations.

Today’s letter is something I’ve told each of them when they’ve gone on an overnight adventure… REMEMBER EVERYTHING! (So you can tell me about it!) Wednesday, I told them all at the same time, and amidst maybe a hint of rolling eyes, they all said “we’ll try!” I can’t wait to hear about their experiences!

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