Just some floral netting in a sunny afternoon window… the makings of wonderful.
When we visited my parents in Macon, Mississippi for the Christmas holidays, the kids and I took an evening to wander around Downtown to look at the Christmas lights — a fun holiday tradition from my own childhood. Of course, I had my camera in hand, and in addition to crazy kid shots, I also got a few photo surprises. I discovered that trying to get a handle on a couple of silly boys, freezing temps, a stiff breeze, and standing on the edge of a curb all at the same time produces some interesting photography effects [*grin*]. Something about throwing focus to the wind creates a kind of wonderful. I keep coming back to a few of the shots where light takes center stage. I hope you enjoy the serendipity on this Monday morning!
Hello & welcome! I’m Haley Montgomery, and I’m the designer and owner of Small Pond Graphics. I sometimes fancy myself a frog kisser— a documentarian coaxing poignant moments from unexpected places. This blog has evolved from those moments.
The small Pond FIELD GUIDE is part diary, part sketchbook, and part wish list – an archive of ordinary wonders. For years, this space has housed my stories – creative ideas, vintage inspiration, our forays into curious places, and the simple artifacts of quiet of conscious living. Through watercolor, photography, and illustrated tales, these pages uncover the blessing of ordinary days and the wonder found in authentic places and pursuits.
I invite you to open the boxes.
Peek into the drawers.
Rustle through the pages.
I’m honored to have you here.
© Haley Montgomery for Small Pond Graphics.
All rights reserved.
Sharing of photos and images from this site is acceptable, provided that proper crediting links are included. No downloadable content may be distributed without written permission. All art is a gift forward. Please support designers, creators and makers everywhere by respecting copyright ownership of creative property.
Phone: 662.312.4001
Contact Haley to dive in