
Archive for Macon MS – Page 2

go . Post Office on Jefferson Street


Hundreds of little metal doors with tiny windows marked with hand-painted numbers in red and gold. I have to admit it’s why I love to walk in the post office in Macon, MS. I wander in there every now and then when I’m visiting my parents hometown because it’s filled with interesting shapes and textures. And those little decorative, but time-worn doors.  They are so fascinating to me for some reason.

The lobby is a tiny L-shaped space where folks still come to check their mail. I’m not sure when the structure was built, but it has the tall, chicken-wire laced windows and warm woodwork you don’t often see in more modern public buildings. Plus, the north wall contains a painting created by Douglass Crockwell through the Depression-era Works Progress Administration, dated 1944.

Mr. Crockwell became a fairly popular artist in the 1940s-50s creating advertisements and cover art for some notable companies as well as the Saturday Evening Post. The work was created more specifically under the jurisdiction of the US Treasury Department in its Treasury Section of Fine Arts designed to offer artists commission work to create paintings and sculptures for public spaces in the 30s and 40s. The painting depicts the “Signing of the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek.”

I imagine walking into the Post Office would be a lot like it was in the 1950s if it weren’t for the glossy posters touting first class mail and “forever” stamps. It still has hand-painted signs for the “office” part of the Post Office and the now-dissolved “Civil Service Commission”. The stained wood is still polished and pock-marked next to newer, more modern metal stands and the metal sliding door covering the postal counter.

Every time I wander in, I always wish for a tiny key to slip into box number 534 or some other sacred address to turn the lock and retrieve some treasured bit of correspondence.

[Macon Post Office, 201 Jefferson Street; Macon, MS]

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photo essay 021813 . Serendipity in Light

When we visited my parents in Macon, Mississippi for the Christmas holidays, the kids and I took an evening to wander around Downtown to look at the Christmas lights — a fun holiday tradition from my own childhood. Of course, I had my camera in hand, and in addition to crazy kid shots, I also got a few photo surprises. I discovered that trying to get a handle on a couple of silly boys, freezing temps, a stiff breeze, and standing on the edge of a curb all at the same time produces some interesting photography effects [*grin*]. Something about throwing focus to the wind creates a kind of wonderful. I keep coming back to a few of the shots where light takes center stage. I hope you enjoy the serendipity on this Monday morning!

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signs . Macon, MS No. 2

If you dare!

signs . Macon, MS No.1

Macon, MS

Another creative specimen of hand-painted text. Another BBQ joint in Mississippi. And another spelling of our favorite food group!

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