
Archive for pinks

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Baby Girl and I got to see the movie, Trolls, yesterday for a sweet friend’s birthday party. We loved it! Great story. Great animation. Great SONGS!! And great messages. Like this one from the soundtrack… Hey there world… I’M NOT GIVING UP TODAY!

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Spring! It’s the season when everything around us seems to start coming to life again. The “flower trees” (as my children call them) in our front yard are starting to bloom — the whites of the Bradford Pear and the purples of the Redbud. It’s almost like the branches are stretching themselves out after the long winter, reaching as high as they can toward the sun that’s helping their buds open. I hope I’m teaching Baby Girl and my boys to do the same. To keep reaching, even through the cold and rainy times. To keep growing and stretching and learning and blooming.

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It’s picture day at school today, and even little girls wonder if their hair looks ok.

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Fridays are big deals around our house. On the way to school, the Friday “happy points” my kids usually list out include book club, no homework, game day in gifted class, the chance to stay up late, and this morning’s version included a “start of the weekend party!” I don’t know what scale of party we’ll plan after school, but I love that they recognize the weekend as just another excuse to celebrate. What a great reason for ice cream!

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Pretty much every week.

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