
Archive for signs – Page 2

signs . Memphis, TN No. 2

Last night, I was looking back through some photos from our trip to Memphis last October. I love looking at signs — hand-painted and otherwise. I’m fascinated by how they impact the view of places attached to the sides of buildings and structures. Today I thought I would share some of the ones I photographed during our walks and trolley rides Downtown.

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[The Peanut Shoppe — a Main Street classic since 1949]

[homage to the 1930’s William Len Hotel]

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[Hotel Chisca building through the trolley car window]


signs . Memphis, TN No. 1

An old warehouse in Downtown Memphis, TN

signs . Columbus, MS No. 1

This week I was in Columbus, MS for a meeting and stopped by their lovely Downtown area for a few minutes. The small town is the mother lode of antebellum structures, and there are many historic elements in their Downtown storefronts as well. Some of my favorite hand-painted signs are those on brick walls, and this one struck my fancy. Enjoy and have a great weekend in YOUR small pond!

signs . Macon, MS No. 2

If you dare!

signs . Greenwood, MS No. 2

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