
Archive for Small Pond Graphics – Page 2

font crush . West Balaio

Today my favorite font is West Balaio. [I say today because my “favorite” seem to change on a daily/hourly basis. Oh well.] I love the whimsy and texture of this font. It just smells like Spring fever. You can download it for free here.

And, here’s what I’m thinking about doing with it… some oversized “thank you” postcards for my clients!

Merry Christmas from Small Pond Graphics

Thank you to all my friends, clients and colleagues for making the first six months of Small Pond Graphics a treasure to me. Enjoy this selection of holiday photo experimentation, themed “Love’s Pure Light”. May you and yours find and keep it this Christmas season.

Special Thanks

October 1st. Today marks the three-month anniversary of the launch of Small Pond Graphics. I wanted to take a small moment with a small post to say a small thank you to the wonderful colleagues, mentors, clients and friends who have had no small part in making my foray into business ownership a very rewarding experience. By the simple criteria of having been blessed with tremendous support and encouragement, I count these three months as an overwhelming success.

I’m very excited about the opportunities to work with so many of you, and I’m looking forward to the challenge of continuing to offer good design and good ideas with those I hope to call good friends.

Thank you for hopping into the Pond with me.

Five Questions to Ask Yourself with Every Customer Encounter

I was talking recently with a new client–a business advisory service who hired me for brand development and start-up marketing–and he asked me some questions about why I decided to name my business Small Pond Graphics. The client had been to my website and wanted to discuss some of the ideas a little further. Some companies that are local occasionally use feather flags to get customers from sidewalk traffic. As it turns out, we had similar impressions of the value of our small town business experiences, and the conversation expanded into a discussion of how many of the typical small town attitudes and ways of conducting business translate into the wider marketplace.

My thoughts on the name Small Pond Graphics began germinating with the idea that I live in a small town in the rural South. It’s a fact that has colored much of my career over the years. Being in a smaller community sometimes means that companies have to be a little more ingenious in their marketing efforts. It means they may need to approach services and customer service with a little more flexibility, creativity and a personal touch. Whether a business is located in a small town or a large city, however, the reality in this digital, media-rich age is that all are part of the same small world–a small world that is getting even smaller by the minute. It was that thought that really resonated with me in trying to determine the focus and “culture” of my own company. Perhaps those flexible, creative and relationship-centered approaches aren’t confined to small ponds after all.

So, my client conversation got me thinking. How DO businesses approach customer encounters in a small town? What makes that process so appealing? What can I glean from it as I market my business on a daily basis? How can I market to every customer and prospect as if I’m marketing in the small pond?

It boils down to relationships. There’s no question about it. They are the hallmark of marketing with a small pond approach. People want to do business with folks they know. It’s a tried and true reality straight from small town USA. Embracing that reality means that every customer encounter is an opportunity to build a deeper relationship. That sometimes requires approaching the experience from a slightly different perspective than what marketing or sales trends might dictate. With that in mind, consider asking yourself these 5 questions with your next customer encounter.


Instead of immediately evaluating how a contact may fit into your “ideal customer” profile, figure out a way to say “yes” in some way. It’s really what customers want to hear. Put determining how a customer is positioned in your sales process or list of services on the back burner. The ability to say “yes” shows that a company is willing to step beyond a rigid business model in order to address a customer’s individual needs.


Rather than asking “what can I get out of this?”, make an investment. Relationships are built on investments–offerings of time, resources, effort, and self. The laws of farming say that you reap what you sow. Sowing is required FIRST before reaping the benefit of a good crop. Make a plan for what seeds you want to sow with each conversation or customer experience. Be willing to give before you expect to get.


Instead of trying to figure out how to squeeze in your elevator pitch, devote yourself to listening in your next customer encounter. Before a company can meet a client’s needs through products or services, it has to know what those needs are. That understanding doesn’t come through anticipating or completing the sentences, it comes through really listening.


Rather than asking “how can I make the most of this time?” in a hurried effort to multi-task, focus your attention on the person in front of you (virtually or otherwise). Lay aside the need to be available to everyone else at that moment and pay closer attention to this one-on-one opportunity to connect and build a lasting bond. Your entire relationship with a customer may rest on this one encounter. Make sure you’re all there.


Instead of asking yourself first”what products or services can I provide?”, let your customer take center stage. Listen for the unique qualities to emerge and respond to those. Focus on offering resources to resolve unique problems or highlight unique assets–whether your products and services apply or not.

At the end of the day, customers still value the same things they did when your grandparents were doing business. They still value the wave on the street, someone calling them by name, or the handshake at the grocery store so common in small towns. It’s just that some of the venues today are places like Facebook or GMail or Skype. The small town approach works. Are you on board?

Prince Potential

Frogs and princes. I’ve always loved that story — the one where the girl isn’t afraid to pick up the slimy, croaking, web-toed frog and give him a big ol’ kiss. There must have been something inspiring in that little toad, something that made the girl see the prince potential in those multi-colored, eye slits. That’s kind of how I see great design work. It’s potential is there in all kinds of shapes and forms and patterns and sounds and budgets. Sometimes, it just requires a little extra attention to the details to bring it out. That’s kind of how I see ideas, too. The tiny, warty ones can turn big and spectacular when the right person applies a little love and attention (and great design) to them.

Many of you may know that I have worked as the Art Director of Dux D’Lux Advertising for the past 16 years. Recently, the Queen of Dux took to calling me the company “creative wizard.” Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to spread my creative wings quite often and tackle many types of projects and client accounts — corporations and start-ups, non-profit and for profit, big and small. I’ve done a lot of frog-kissing, you might say. And, sure enough, I found a lot of princes.

I’ve worked with countless small businesses through the years. I’ve just never started one. Until now. Since the Queen is retiring and Dux D’Lux is closing its doors for design and agency services, I’ve decided to hop out on my own with a new company — Small Pond Graphics.

Why the small pond? Well, I AM a small girl in a small town, but we all live in a small world. The pond is getting smaller and smaller by the day. I’m ready to embrace all the uniqueness that small pond provides. The truth is; I like small ponds. As I wrote for my website, small ponds are where most of us begin our unique circle of impact. Small ponds are places where individualism and an individual approach to marketing and services can be most beneficial. They are places where the same old formulas don’t necessarily apply, where those ways of doing things can actually get you lost in the sea of competition. I like the idea of finding the unique aspects in frogs of all persuasions and offering that individual attention that helps the prince shine through. This small world we swim in needs a relationship-focused approach to service and solutions. I like the sound of that.

Since, I’ve never done this small business thing and since I’m sold on this individual, relationship-based approach, I’ve decided to launch a blog as part of my Small Pond “ecosystem.” I hope it will help clients get to know me better and learn about my design sensibilities. If you’ve read EyeJunkie, my personal blog, you know I’m prone to long-windedness, but I hope this foray will offer a little more eyecandy and inspiration to seek and recognize the prince potential all around us. The small pond is teeming with life well-designed, well-read, well-done and well-lived. I’m calling the Small Pond Graphics blogging adventure Plop! and I plan to use it to chronicle my foray into entrepreneurship and offer up some (hopefully) daily design inspiration.

Thanks for reading the inaugural Plop! post and for indulging me in a little meandering on the art of launching a new design company. Stay tuned for more pond pursuits!

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