
Archive for vernacular – Page 2

signs . Northport, AL No.2

Northport, AL

You know, it’s getting to be gelato weather! I always love the juxtaposition of hand-painted words and pictures next to the pristine crispness of machine-generated letters.

signs . Magee, MS No.5

Downtown Magee, MS

I love it when utilitarian messages are made more interesting with color and that hand-painted ingenuity.

signs . Magee, MS No.4

Magee, MS

I have to know. Don’t you?

You know, sometimes the unexpected messages created by signage in our landscape just makes me laugh. It happens haphazardly with the simple proximity of mixed messages. We train ourselves to view each messaged sign separately, but sometimes they inadvertently overlap. Mixed message: Come and see. Only, don’t park to do it.

signs . Macon, MS No.1

Macon, MS

Another creative specimen of hand-painted text. Another BBQ joint in Mississippi. And another spelling of our favorite food group!

signs . Magee, MS No.3

Magee, MS

Nice calligraphy is always a lucky find!

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