I actually felt it today. As soon as I opened the door. And before the heat set in again. That shift. The small hints of coolness. The crisper air, less weighed down with humidity. September is here. It’s a month full of teasing as our hearts are ready for fall, but our temperatures are often stuck in summer. Whether it’s in that hint of a breeze or in the shift in sentiment, a change is in the air. I’ve taken a break from creating calendar pages for a few months, but I’m a bit renewed now and ready to mark these milestones again. September is a good time to start with its official change of season! I hope you enjoy this renewed field guide and “wonder” list for the month along with a companion printable calendar.

Asters, morning glories, sapphires and the autumnal equinox! In Mississippi, summer starts wearing pretty thin by the end of August, and just the idea of fall beginning (which is really all we get in September) brings lots of excitement. The beginning of my children’s new school year with its new routines and schools and activities has me a little frazzled, and I find myself saying “when things settle down, we’ll….” It’s so easy to think that I’ll have a bigger wheelhouse for doing those things we’ve been thinking about once I feel more comfortable with all the newness of this time of year. It’s easy to think the new habits (or renewed ones) we want to form will be more possible when we are more settled into our routine. That may be true to a degree, but unfortunately, it seems that the days of being totally “settled” never come! I have to remind myself as I’m thinking of somedays and maybe whens that THESE are the days. This is someday. This is one day. This is when. So, I’m choosing to embrace all the possibilities for wonder that may present themselves this month.
Our partial WONDER list:
- High school football – Friday night under the lights really is special, and our family is enjoying having a 9th grader marching in high school band this year!
- College football – and all the fun it brings to living in a college town!
- Cooler mornings and bluer skies – small evidence that a change is coming.
- Music and outdoor concerts – tis the season, and this month, we have tickets to enjoy an outdoor Jazz concert and a Reed Quintet.
- A birthday party! My Baby Girl’s August birthday usually falls close to the Labor Day holiday, so friend parties have become a fun part of our September.
- A quick work trip to Jackson, which will probably mean a few downtown photo opportunities.
- Family Date Night – it’s become so much more important to us now that school, activity, and work schedules have us frazzled at dinner time most days.
- Kick-off of Robotics season – of special interest to my 9th grader!
- Switching out the tired summer plants for fall blooms
- Plenty of excuses to pull out our fall decorations
- Painting and block printing – I have some goals for a few new products that I’m trying to have ready by October 1!
I hope you and yours have plans to capture the wonder of September. I’ve included a monthly printable calendar download below with its cut-away reminder that THESE are the days. Enjoy!