
Archive for morning letters – Page 3

morning letters . 042315


I’ve been working with a lot of linear website layouts over the last couple of days, so I needed a little floral in my life today!

morning letters . friday 041715


Some Friday encouragement this week! I continually try to remind myself of the true uniqueness of each person, each day, each life. We do ourselves a continual disservice when we are satisfied with following.

morning letters . tuesday 041415


A little David Bowie for the morning letters today! Let’s Dance, Tuesday!

morning letters . 041315


I’ve been wanting to circle back to some of the abstract explorations I did last summer, and today seemed like a good day! For lettering practice, there’s a random quote from a book about natural farming I read over spring break called The One Straw Revolution. It’s taken me a while to digest a few of the concepts, and I’m hoping to share a little more about the book on the blog this week.

morning letters . thursday 040915

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This morning I started with more alphabet painting practice and some still-wet notes to myself. We find it so easy to compare ourselves to others — in business, in art, in mothering, in life. Today, I needed to remind myself that nothing valuable comes to the world through an attempt to live someone else’s story. No, all of my true impact in this world will come through living the story God has created in ME. After all, I am the only way that story will ever be told.

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