
Archive for favorite shops – Page 2

taste . Sweeteeth for my Sweet Tooth


I bought these for the drawings. I’ll just get that little confession out there right away. I mean, it’s just chocolate bars, right? And I’m a little bit of a packaging nut, so my online purchase wasn’t that much of a stretch.

Holy Wow, was I wrong in the “just chocolate bars” department! I learned about Sweeteeth, the Charleston confectioner shop that made these goodies in an article on Southern chocolatiers in Garden & Gun magazine. Now, I AM a pretty avid chocolate lover, so I decided I would give myself the little assignment of taste-testing all the featured shops in the article (good idea, huh?). The illustrations on the Sweeteeth bars convinced the designer in me that these should be first on my list.

I ordered the Sweeteeth gift pack you saw above from their website, where I learned that chocolatier Johnny Battles prides himself on “hand crafted chocolatey goodness with a twist.” It’s the twist part that makes my “Holy Wow” an understatement. Here’s a glimpse at the chocolate and some of the surprising flavors that will definitely get your mouth watering…


Dark chocolate, plus candied ginger for a snap and chocolatey popping sugar! Yes, if you’re thinking “pop rocks” you’re right on track, only more sinful. I think this one is actually my favorite combination of flavors and fun in your mouth!


This one was the first to go — in one sitting, which is saying a lot considering how very decadent the whole package is. It’s dark chocolate filled with Sweeteeth caramel and dusted with sea salt. Great sweet + salty gooey-ness — and kind of rich!


“Two great tastes that taste great together” gets a jolt in this version, where the “C” equals chipotle peppers. Yes, you read that right. It’s such an unexpected flavor blended with the peanut butter, and gives the bar a really smokey, savory flavor with just a tiny bit of spicy bite. The perfect pairing with dark chocolate and another touch of sea salt.


This bar is almost like a whole dessert. It pairs dark milk chocolate with dried cinnamon apples and candied pecans. Sweet, fruity flavor layered with that velvety milk chocolate taste make for a very nice chewy + crunchy combination.

I have to say that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my Sweeteeth sample pack, and it’s gotten me through several harried days of design deadlines — another true test of great chocolate. If I’m ever in the Charleston area, I hope I can stop in to see what other wonderful-ness they might come up with for the day to day chocolate cravings!


The packaging — Seriously. I think I saw a duckbill platypus in there!
The service — My online ordering experience went off without a hitch. Since then, I’ve also ordered a gift pack shipped for a friend’s birthday, and the Sweeteeth team happily fulfilled my request for gift wrapping and a personal message attached. Nice!
The creativity — It’s great to see how the creative spirit comes in all sorts of flavors down South.
The chocolate — Do I need to repeat my Holy Wow?!

Thanks for sharing a taste with me!

inspired by . Cookies with Santa


This weekend I was out of town and doing a little online window shopping with Terrain. I really love their collection of simple, nature-inspired products. I decided to have a little fun and collect a wish list of favorite finds for Christmas Eve cookies with Santa. Hope you’re enjoying your own sugarplum visions today!

1. Juice jars — an old-fashioned vessel for cold milk!
2. Striped paper straws — green is a nice contrast to the red suit!
3. Hickory wood coasters — to protect the holiday table! Handcrafted by American woodworkers.
4. Red-striped napkin — to keep those crumbs out of his beard!
5. Stitched side plate — a design a toy maker could certainly love!
6. Reindeer penny candy — what midnight Santa snack is complete without candy? And a reindeer to boot!

favorite things . Holiday Leftovers

If you’re ready to get in to the Christmas creative spirit, check out Collage Lab! I just ordered myself a pack of their “Holiday Chock Full of Paper” packs. It’s leftovers and scraps from old paper ephemera with a holiday theme — vintage papers, cards, ribbons, etc. You never know what you’ll get, but that’s such a HUGE part of the fun. I also love these packs of red, green & black letters and numbers from old graphic designers’ text kits (before the days of computers, kids). Oh the possibilities for holiday fun!

favorite things . Other People’s Paper

Daily PONDspiration [for the well-intentioned design nerd}… Yep, this inspiration will surely confirm my design nerdy-ness. I just ordered myself one of these paper packs from Three Potato Four filled with snipped specimens of paper and text from their curious collections of vintage items. The promise that each pack is curated from an “assortment of maps, tickets, stamps, cards, labels, signs, stencils and and all things old school” sold me for sure!

[I’ll keep y’all posted about what typographic loveliness arrives.]

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